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First day filming

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Got up at 5:00 in the morning had my shower and breakfast at an amazing hotel with an amazing view and was ready to leave to the orphanage at 7, but first we had to pass by the local to studio to see if we could pick up any radio mics seeing as ours had been lost by the airline. We couldn’t as they didn’t have what we needed. Then we drove into this random desolate area to pick up a boom pole which I have to say the weirdest place I have ever picked up equipment, it was in great condition and surprising to find there.

Then we went to the orphanage and this is the point I started having an awesome time, the kids were so lively and energetic and showed nothing but love and I love how when around kids you can act like a kid and it doesn’t look weird, to be honest it’s just an excuse for me to act like a kid. Walking around with a camera on my shoulder I was being swarmed by the kids all jumping on me and hugging me and as I laughed I realised that for the first time in a long time I was laughing from the bottom of my heart.




Landed and eating Gambia

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Hey guys so I landed I. The beautiful country of The Gambia not to be confused with the other gambias because this is “The” Gambia haven’t really seen much yet but managed the find the local Indian so as all Brits I’ll be having a traditional British curry and beer will keep you updated as we go along, by the way this shoot is for the so please have a look and donate if you can, someone has to pay my wages (joke)












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So here we are and I seem to have ten followers which is an infinite amount more than zero and oh how I feel the responsibility, I will no longer be able to think of this blog just being an app on my phone but more something for people to read the pressure is on, what I’m trying to say is thank you for following me and I’ll try and write more so it actually becomes worthwhile you following,

I’m leaving for Gambia tomorrow to do a shoot so hopefully the next couple of weeks should be interesting, I’ll keep you all posted and take care

The Momo show ep 2

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Just something I’m messing around with, hope you all like it any comments are very welcome, am i funny? Or am i just kidding myself?

My youtube show vlog thing

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Just a regular guy (story)

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Martin was just a regular guy, thats it, he could of been me or you or anybody really, just a regular guy. Did some work, doesn’t matter what, went home, ate food, went out with friends, every now and then got lucky, just regular stuff and right now he was regularly walking home.

He always enjoyed looking at the street lights as he walked by, the light would blind him momentarily and he enjoyed watching his vision slowly reappear, as it did so he saw a man walking towards him from across the street, he had a pretty quick step in his foot, coming at him at a steady speed, martin felt his heart drop a little, as if his subconscious detected danger and sped up his heart in preparation.

The man stopped straight in front of him staring directly into his eyes,

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Have ever you seen a cat fly? (Poem)

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Have ever you seen a cat fly?
I have, ive seen it fly into the sky
With just a word of sing, i saw it grow wing and fly

Have ever you seen a cat fly?
I did, where there was none
Evolution skipped some
And it grew wings before my very eyes

All i had done was sing a tune slightly out of tune
And i saw the cat fly

Oh had i known my voice alone
Could speed up evolutions song
I would have sung to the top of my lungs
And evolved the whole world along

But my lungs only sufficed to scare away the birds
And cause a cat to fly

Just a thought…..i am but a fleeting moment

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Tell us the truth, is it the way we perceive it or is it something best left alone.
Could it be that only us don’t know what it is that is going on, left in the dark with no lights to turn on.

A simplicity lies in being so blind, the answer always is that we will never know, so I already know everything I need to know.

To less wonder about the things I already know to concentrate more at my current plunder, to live in the now and leave future to the present which fast becomes past.

A fleeting moment of atoms that pass momentarily but for us a lifetime it lasts, come and gone so quick and forgot, my place be taken by a thousand spots.

So I ponder less on those inconceivable and think more on the doable, consolable. Society breeds its generation next in every seed planted by men. From mothers womb till five or ten bombarded with rules and laws the dos and dont’s of society.

Though every era change with laws and less refrain, the whole system of social evolution stays the same, individuality becomes a mirage an illusion created by awareness of existence, I think therefore I am? Or I think I am? We think our decisions and interests and likes and dislikes all make us individual yet all those individualities are a random assimilation of the current societies views and thoughts, programmed into our brains from an age before we where even aware.

Humanity, the vain species, they think the main species, yet without one chaos can be born and all can be lost.

But not to be depressed think of happiness and enjoy what we have, some luckier than others most not lucky enough, but everyone finds a way, we live our lives so it’s best to enjoy it at least most of the way.

Setting sun (poem) (kind of)

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The stories most audaciously told, mould my very soul, in age I increase, the son looks upon the sun as the father once did standing now where the source now sits. Decaying beauty is rarely caught all for naught is the mirrors distraught.
As potions and spells fail the beauty sun, she realises her times has come as we, as gracefully bellow she disappears, with awe do we watch the setting of the sun, never again yet that sun ne’er seen bring the morrow, her resemblance, for another cycle of a dying breed